Running for Pres

Day 1,256, 15:51 Published in Japan Japan by exReality

Sup Japan,

A year ago, I led this nation and we transitioned together into a horrible phase of the game known as v2. It was the worst of times. The South Korean war drained our bank, V2 plummeted activity rates globally, the game became radically different, and we, the government struggled to find stability. But at the end of my administration, the bank had prospered and massed approximately 1400g, we became domestically stabilized and internationally connected, but we exited with a huge downtrend in activity.

Reflecting on my past presidency, I realized my greatest flaw when I led the nation was my inactivity in the media. I was on the IRC constantly, I posted on the forums constantly, but I failed to notify the public of the happenings within the government through the use of articles. This in turn led to a severed connection between the government and its people.

Fast forward a year later back to the present; I have the experience of several different cabinet positions and hopefully I am a bit wiser.

I will not make the same mistake twice.

We recently exited a battering war against China. This was a humiliating defeat which left a bad taste for all of us. But without our allies, we would not have seen a dime from the Chinese administration.

Nevertheless, this war left me bitter especially against the Chinese. We helped them secure Heilongjiang and Liaoning and they returned the favor by occupying Kyushu and Chugoku. They agreed to return our regions yet they failed to meet that promise with the excuse that they could not control their citizenry. But bottling all that in, after a series of meetings, Alfred and I were able to secure some sort of compensation.

Congress passed the legislation and I will abide by the original contract signed by Congress. But the deal lasts only three months, so what happens after?

As president, I want to take steps to ensure that we will never again enter deals because we have a gun pointed towards our heads.

Thus my campaign can be summed up in two words; foreign affairs.

Militarily, it is almost impossible for us to catch up to the Chinese because they greatly outnumber us. Without a surge in our own population it is likely that we would never catch up. But gaining new citizens is largely out of our reach and it will be until the game itself gets better. I will however, focus a good amount of attention on the military because an organized fighting force is necessary when establishing and managing foreign relationships. Furthermore an organized fighting force will keep us on our own two feet.

With the recent incident revolving UK and Ireland, we can see how quickly the allies of Ireland rushed to their aid. We have dependable allies but we need to instill a stronger relationship between these same countries while reaching out to other countries. We need allies, we are willing to fight for and allies who are willing to fight for us. This is why I advocate staying in Terra. We need to ride out the rough times to get to the good times. With a stronger international presence in Japan, we will be able to place greater pressures on countries that directly conflict with the interest of Japan.

I will be posting my cabinet article soon. My cabinet will be only composed of those who are active and competent. I have high expectations for those in my administration and if they fail to that standard, they will be axed right away. Also if you have any questions PM me or post in the forum thread @ nipponblog.


tldr; no pictures