Running For Party President of JNC

Day 292, 07:52 Published in Japan Singapore by Ice_Freeze

I have hinted that I would run for PP of JNC in its 1st election. And this is my offical statement.

I know JNC is a small party and with small parties anything can happen.


For you who have not followed JNC, and for my fellow party members planning on running for PP.

This party was not created by me, but I was its 2nd party member and was given the 2nd seat in the party right off the back. The PP resigned because of a small ban scandel and I took over the party as PP. The other member also left (another inactive player in eJapan)

My JNC Inpact

Snice my time in JNC I doubled the population of the party, brought the party in the publics eye and much more.

Note: the party is only about =

My Plans for JNC

If relected as PP I plan to bring a few party members into the Congress in the next GE. I plan to make a JNC SO account so that I do not have to use my personal one for party affairs. I plan to bring wealth to JNC, and eJapan. I plan to import popular members over to eJapan, and bring them into JNC. Thous bringing more active members to eJapan, and give JNC and extra boost. I plan to input new polices to JNC, and help eJapan with their new polices. I plan to update the JNC party page, and to make to reflect the party as a whole and not my indy thoughts. I plan to (when I have enough party members) to input a party goverment to help make JNC a better party. I plan to make JNC a reconized party around eJapan and eventfully around all eRepublik, and to give JNC an identity. And most of all I plan to never promise, becuse I can NEVER 100% sure know what will happen 99% of the time.

And above all I thank you all people in and out of JNCfor support of me and JNC as a whole

Party Prez