Running for Knesset! (Round..7!?!?!)

Day 851, 11:08 Published in Israel Israel by Sam Krak

Yeah. You read that correctly.

7th term campaign is a go.

My Resume proceeds itself, I'll throw it down here anyway:

- 6 time KM*
- Speaker of the Knesset*
- Vice Minister of Finance*
- IDF Training Corps Executive Officer*
- USZP Chief of Staff*
- Vice Minister of Defense
- Vice Minister of Justice
- UZSP Party President
- UZSP Communications Director
- Knesset Finance Committee Chairman
- IDF Defense Corps Sergeant

* - active job

...and more. I intend to continue my help for eIsrael by seeking my 7th consecutive term now for KM. With these channers around, it's hard to trust anyone anymore in this game, except those who have been known for a long time as successful eIsraeli's. From many people have I heard that I am one such person.

With this in mind, I intend to give back to eIsrael and continue being as successful as I can in giving this country as many chances as it gave me.

I hope you shall vote for me in these hard times, to put your trust in me so that I can continue to serve. I shall be in Beersheba South Distrct. Thank you.

Yours in eIsrael's hands,

Sam Krakower