Running for IUP Party Elections

Day 294, 12:11 Published in Ireland Ireland by Igor Thunderbrow

Dear Daoine ne hÉireann,

I am sure that you are aware of the party elections tomorrow. With both ImaNewbie and Victor revealing their decisions to step down from the limelight in favour of newer leaders this brings about a chance of real change. I believe that a change from the old guard at the head of these two parties can only be good.

Anyway, the real purpose of this article is to announce my plans to run in the IUP party elections. First of all patton has my utmost support and this should not be taken as vote of no confidence from me. In fact I hold the man in very high regard, however I believe that an alternative must be offered. I offer myself to you, the members of the IUP as that very alternative.

A dhaoine uaisle, when we were occupied by the oppressive forces of Ireland Reborn, I was one of Victor's most vocal supporters. When Rumania invaded Hungary in her lust for power, I was there fighting the good fight. A chairde, Igor Thunderbrow fights for what he believes in. I will not stand by and let evil be done.
As Confucius once said "To see the right and not do it is cowardice." that my good friends is the kind of philosophy I believe in!

So now onto my policies

Economically I am not a fan of the economic plans suggested on the eIreland forums, read them yourselves at

These plans will lead to massive inflation, we cannot afford that!! Victor caused enough inflation already, what we need is to steady the economy and let the IEP stabilize. I have confidence that this can be carried out by the companies of eIreland naturally and without government interference. Look at the food crisis!!

Back then I was earning 0.5IEP and q1 food cost over 1IEP, how was I supposed to survive without signing up to Victor's gang and receiving his dugouts? Well, the people of eIreland found the solution all by themselves and within the week three new Q1 food companies (including good auld Eirecorp) were set up to provide cheap food for eIrish people, all without governmental help. It is my belief that we should let the economy run its course, if left alone it will return to normal very soon already food is being sold at 0.2-0.3IEP and gifts are becoming available at 1IEP. I have faith in the eIrish people to pull themselves out of Victor's mess and onwards to the future.

Well you need only read my article "ATLANTIS vs PEACE. Why choose, to see my opinions on foreign policy. The discussion I started on the eIreland threads was met with widespread support ( and now I believe that ImaNewbie plans to write a neutrality clause into the constitution (No thanks to me btw 😉 )

What is of course integral to this idea is the setting up of peace agreements with all our neighbours and many beyond. I feel that it important to have an "alliance"(so to speak) with many nations and maintain good relations with them so that we can be free of the bureaucracy of the alliance scene and be fee to make decisions on case by case basis rather than loyalty to some other nations.

Well gift schemes need to be implemented more effectively, especially in the capital. I believe that in the country a few mayors have taken it upon themselves to offer gift schemes to increase the general wellness of their region. I believe that these need to be better supported by the government and that proper infrastructure should be put in place in Dublin to allow such a scheme to operate on such a big region (note that this is possible Rumanian gift bombers were in operation if Gyot, Hungary when I was there and Gyor's population was huge at the time).

Also I believe that the Irish language should be given its rightful place in the constitution. Although the majority of people do not converse in Gaelic it makes us unique and is part of who we are. The current constitution draft by IF fails to mention our native tongue and I know that there are a few native speakers out there. who will not be happy about that,

These are my policies so far. If you have any questions email me on Also read my newspaper or Fort of the Ridge (My old Newspaper also The Fort of The Ridge for my articles in Gyor, Hungary) to see where I stand on any issues I failed to address here.

Also I believe that the Irish language should be given its rightful place in the constitution. Although the majority of people do not converse in Gaelic it makes us unique and is part of who we are. The current constitution draft by IF fails to mention our native tongue and I know that there are a few native speakers out there. who will not be happy about that,
I hope that this article gives you a good idea of who I am and what I stand for.

Go raibh míle maith agaibh as bhur éisteacht,
Igor Thunderbrow