Running for Irish Freedom President.

Day 876, 12:49 Published in Ireland Canada by JohnSmith 2K9

Hello Irish Freedom Party.

I am JohnSmith 2K9 and I am running for Party President of the Irish Freedom Party on Thu April 15th 2010. I have done a lot of things. The list is here

General JSK
CO of 1st Regulars
Ulster Ranger
President of Ireland
SHEILD member
Trade Minster x2
Industry Minster
Immigration Minster
Community Minster
Irish Freedom Party President
Irish Ambassador to Japan, China, USA and Poland and currant one to Australia
Speaker of the Dail, 26 Dec 2009- 28 Jan 2010
TD for the Northwest of Ireland 26th Sept-26th Oct
IFP Vice President for John G and Daniel Kaffe
TD for Southeast of Ireland x3

If I get elected I want to re-start the IFP Gifting program which will help our members with gifts when they need it, I will also take a idea from Labour and let people use my gun company, I will make no money from it and it will be only for the benefit for the people who work in it.

I also want to get more TDs and a IFP bigger picture in the Dail then what we had last month. I will only be allowing a max number of people from other parties to run in IFP. And I will try my best to stop people who are not active TDs before from running again or being elected.

I want to get more people on our forums, and Dylan has been helping with that a lot. And to get more people onto the forum, I will be hosting games and such which I did last time when I was Party President.

I also want to make sure we conturie to grow as the biggest Party in Ireland and have better links with top and lower members in the party

And I want to re-start the Party Council. This is only a short list of what I want to do in my term as Party President of Irish Freedom Party, if you want my ideas on anything please message me and I will be happy to answer them.

Best Regards and vote JohnSmith 2K9 for IFP President
JohnSmith 2K9
Former President of Ireland