Running for ESO PP

Day 1,295, 13:34 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by stockyrocky310597

To all members of ESO, and any who wish to join.

Today, I am going to make a proposal to you.

Whoops, wrong type of proposal

No I come to you today to tell you I am going to run for Party President for ESO. Elect me as your Party Leader for the coming month and I give you a promise. I will deliver. This may be my first time as PP (IF I am elected) but I do believe I can do a good job. However, I would have to follow the acts of Jamesw and The Grump.

Jamesw if you didn't know him.

Damn, wrong one.

There we go, he's a good looking fella isn't he

Now onto the serious bits

What WILL I do for the Party this term

Firstly, I will in a policy document to help newer people running for congress/PP in writing their manifesto's. The first manifesto (as I well know) if very difficult to write as you just going "What the hell should I put". Eventually you end up basing it on someone else's and then you haven't really learnt anything and then when it comes around again, you do the same.

Secondly,I want ESO to have an even better performance in the congress elections. We had, what some people would call "a result" with 6 people (or 18.75% for boffins). However, I believe we could do even better and make ESO a stronger for in eUK's politics. This could be achieved by recruiting new people into ESO and telling how to and who to vote for to make sure we have as many people in congress as possible. (10+ would be getting even better)

Thirdly,we have visitors people. And not nice ones. Croatians are trying to PTO us.(that Political Take Over for the people who haven't heard it before) Hopefully, we can combat this by being thorough in who we vote for and making sure, if any Croatians do enter any elections in our good name, we will NOT vote for them. This way, we do not have any people trying to screw up our politics.


To make ESO a more powerful prospect in eUK's politics, we need more members. If I can find some nutters, I mean willing volunteers, I wish to message newer players to make sure they keep playing the game and to try and recruit them into ESO to make us a more prominent force in the politics of this country.

I know I've been going on about politics, but that's what a party is about. I hope I can count on your vote on the 15th.

To finish off, our ESO banner

Just for The Grump

Oh, and sorry to The Grump for not having his latest avatar, the images don't work with this 😛