Running For Congress

Day 602, 20:56 Published in Canada Canada by supabeasty

Although I am new to Canada I am not new to eRepublik. I have run for Congress 3 times in Estonia and decided that Estonia was not a place for non-Estonians! So I decided going to an English speaking nation would be much, much better. I was a complete failure at running for Congress although I would have been in once but because of a PTO. I think that I learned a lot during that time. That PTO ultimately determined that I would not win a seat in Congress in Estonia. The PTO made me realize that you cannot expect anything and never to call something done when in truth it is not.

Now I know I probably will not win the Congress seat unless the people of Canada like me and my plan. And I hope that they do. I believe that people need to give new things and change a chance and see how it works out. And if you try it on me you will be surprised with what am able to do. So I am asking you to try something new.

I promise that you will be surprised when and if I get elected to Congress. I want to be able to make a change for Canada and have a bigger role in Canada. I believe that I am the man for the job of Congressman of Alberta. Also the growing DAL is the party that I belong to and I see that this party is an amazing party that will be great to become a leading party!. Thank you for reading. Please subscribe and vote.