Running for Congress

Day 547, 22:51 Published in Singapore United Kingdom by Whispering Elizabeth

Hello fellow Singaporeans. I am Whispering Elizabeth and I'm running for Congress.

So much has happened in the past month. As I'm sure you all know, many of our Congress people have resigned. I can promise that if elected, unless a RL emergency comes up, I will hold the position as long as I continue doing what is best for Singapore.

I am currently a proud member of the Nationalist Party. The Nationalist party stands for fair taxes, citizens coming first and an expansionary vision. A stronger Singapore.

I am also the Chief Ambassador in President Jay's cabinet. This position allows me to give my input directly to the President which means you will have your needs and concerns heard.

I would like to assist in helping Singapore thrive.

Even if it's not a vote for me I encourage you to vote. Also please do your part for our country and visit the Singapore forums. Let your voice be heard.