Running for Congress

Day 1,492, 02:32 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by stockyrocky310597

Hello readers/voters

Today I am asking for your votes to elect me into congress for a month. Hopefully you will get through this mass of text and get to the end!

Firstly, who am I?

Well, for the mentally challenged among you, you will know my name is Stockyrocky310597. I started in V2, but then stopped and re-commenced last October. Since then, I have been part of:

- 7th Armoured Division (Desert Rats, now gone)
- The Royal Navy (Now gone under new UKAF)
- 1st Armoured Division (Now gone, successor of 7th)
- The ESO Legion (Still around)
- ESO (Still around)
- Party President of ESO
- Vice Party President of ESO
- Ministry of Home Affairs (as helper and as Minister)
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs (as helper)
- Ministry of Finance (as helper)
- Ministry of Recruitment (as helper)
- Congress (x2)

So, as you can see I've had a bit of experience.

Why should you vote for me?

Well, as you have seen I have experience in Congress and in Ministries so I understand what is going on. Also, I am a former PP and vPP, so that means I am either respected, lucky, or a bit of both. Also, while I have been in Congress, I haven't been given any warnings by the Ministry of Legislative Affairs (rule makers basically).

Our Invasion

As you all know we are all being invaded by Ireland, France and Canada. During my time as a congress member, I will vote for whatever helps our country repel the barbarians?, invaders?, twats?, people that are coming to our country. As our country is only one of a select few (Indonesia being the only other I can remember) of not being wiped completely, I want to keep it that way.

The ESO Contract

In addition to the things I have said in my Manifesto above, I am an official ESO Congress Candidate. This affirms that I have agreed to upholding the following ideas should I be so richly rewarded as to be elected by you. Here is the ESO Contract with the UK.

*I believe you should be showered in food and weapons, with no strings attached, and I will work towards increasing donations in the UK that offer all our citizens incentives, not just members of a particular party.
*My time in Congress will not be spent trash-talking other parties, but will be spent doing my best to empower you, the UK citizen. This means increasing your wealth and self sufficiency, but also your ability to know what is going on, and I will keep you informed of what i'm voting in.
*If you bring ideas of what you want to me, I will listen, and if my own judgement agrees with your idea then I will make sure that it is heard. I joined a party that believes in individual development, and that includes people who aren't even in my party.

As well as committing myself to these policies, I am also committing myself to upholding these principles.

* That I will not bring disgrace to either the other individuals of ESO, or the eUK community
* That I will bring the best that I have to give to every discussion I take part in
* That I will never harm the security of the UK by ignoring its rules on citizenship
* That I will follow the rules of the forums and community, and if I disagree with any of them I will offer constructive feedback and not troll
* That my focus is on making the UK better for every single one of its citizens, not on making my own party seem more important

This is a contract that we have created as individuals, and have chosen to espouse as individuals.



Well, thanks for reading that wall of text. Hopefully I can count on you vote on the 25th.