Running for Congress

Day 1,191, 11:00 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by runningtings

I am running for Congress this month, come on and vote for me, you know you want to.

For those who don't know me, I was born in eScotland, but moved to eNZ as soon as it was on the map, and have enjoyed life here ever since.

I am in Unit 3 of the NZDF under the leadership of CrusaderCarl and have enjoyed fighting with all eNZ soldiers whatever political stance they have.

I am an active member of the Peace 'n' Prosperity Party and believe that we need a strong opposition to the ruling party, that's the way good democracy works; people need a choice.

These are the things I promise to bring to eNZ as a Congressman:

Better Toilets

More Sport

More Eating

More Fighting

Less Australians

Oh and here are some cute puppies, for the ladies:

Vote runningtings!
Join the NZDF!