Running for congress : Vote Jsboutin, Ontario!

Day 1,129, 19:44 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Jsboutin

Ladies and gentlemen from Ontario,

I'm Jsboutin, Colonel in the Canadian Armed Forces and current Minister of Defence under TemujinBC.

I'll keep it short and sweet :

Why you should vote for me:

1) I'm incredibly active. Be it on CAF IRC, or posting orders daily.

2) I've been around a while.

3) I have a good reputation

4) I enjoy lulz once in a while, while staying serious on serious topics.

5) I have been trustable in much higher position :I have control of the Canadian National Defense organization and of a CAF supply org and I never did anything bad with it.

Isn't it incredible?

If you want some references, you can PM raw784, Chucky Norris, Mary Chan, Mustache Dictator, flyboy909, TemujinBC (although he'll probably troll me a bit 😛) and many more people!

I have not even told them that, so don't be surprised if they get a bit surprised!