Running for Congress - July 2012!

Day 1,700, 13:36 Published in United Kingdom North Macedonia by Tom Falco

So, why am I running for Congress and more specifically the West Midlands? Well, the West Midlands is where I've lived all of my life so it only makes sense to run for congress there! I've only been playing this game for . . . 16 days and have already learnt a great deal about the day to day activities of the game but, and this is a reason why I'm running for Congress, is that I haven't yet learnt the 'politics' of the game.
(edited - I'm running for London due to only having two regions left but would like to run for West Midlands one day!)

However, I am naturally interested in politics to a certain degree in real life so this should help me to be a quick learner. I've also noticed, in the short time I've been playing, quite a lot of strange and weird events that slightly worries me as a new member - the main one is we went from owning all of England and Wales to now owning 1 county. I've fought is a few resitance wars (probably not been much help as we've lost but every little helps) and now is the right time, I believe, to start a political career.

But, and a big but, I would hate to run (for presidency) before I could walk when I haven't even been a congress member before. I would like to work more closely with the president and ministers and the political running of the country without putting the citizens of the UK in danger. By being a congress member, I plan on;
1) learning the politics of this game
2) become more active on the forums
3) influence the political world of eUK
4) get to know the citizens of eUK a little better
5) continue fighting to recapture the land we've lost

I would eventually like to one day (in the far future) run for presidency even if it's just to take back the UK (inc Wales, Scotland and Northern Irland) and take strategic areas like Belgium, Norway and the rest of Ireland.

Thank You and Vote for Tom Falco, ESO

(P.S any feedback is better than no feedback - much appreciated, thanks)