Running for Congress a second time

Day 947, 02:02 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Hans Rienveld

I am running for Congress for a second time. Having experienced Congress from the inside now I can elaborate a bit more about my ideas and experience.

What surprised me most of all is the inactivity of most Congress members. The best votes still only attracted 30 votes which means that at best still 25% of congressmen where not participating in the vote. We have even seen some votes rejected as they didn’t meet their quorum.

I find this quite embarrassing. Not for me or Congress (although they are tainted) but for the inactive Congressmen themselves. It is clear they only run for Congress with no intention other than to collect the medal and the treasure map.

Of course the tactical voting is partly to blame for this as people are asked to vote for people they do not really know but I would also like to call on my fellow runners for Congress to understand what they are running for and refer to my earlier article about this.

There will always be two-clickers in Congress but I wish we could reduce this number from the about 50% it is at the moment.

Regarding my own run for Congress and in relation to the above I will therefore make the following two promises:

- To participate in every debate and vote
- To be proud to be in Congress and to fully understand the importance of being in Congress

Congress should be the cornerstone of a democracy and country, so let’s make it that way again!