Running for Congress.

Day 481, 23:00 Published in USA Greece by Weasle

I'll just go out and say it. I'm running for congress in the state of California.

I don't know if it's even concievable that i would win. I don't even know if its likely i'll get one vote.

But i have to try. Because i want to change eAmerica, I want to fix the corruption and ineptitude that plauges our country to this very moment. I want to run for congress because i believe in and love this country. I'm tired of this country being the laughing stock of the entire free eWorld. Because I can hear the country's cry's of pains. I can see its abused body, its torn pshyche and I want to lend a hand.

I don't know if its possible for change to come to eAmerica. But I believe change can come. And I believe I can at least play a role in it. My destiny now lies in the hands of my equals, the citizens of eUsa. Because we believe in a better tomorrow!

Hopeful candidate for Congress in the State of California.

Ps. I will respond to each and every comment, so question and comment away.