Run Wallet, Run!!!

Day 2,416, 09:14 Published in Romania Romania by Real Vasi

(english version bellow)

Nu voi uita niciodata acea zi. A fost o zi minunata, acea zi in care mi-am cumparat primul portmoneu.
Aveam doar atatia bani cat sa cumpar portmoneul, fara sa am ce pune in el, dar eram fericit.
Nu era vorba de bani. Era vorba de simbol. Eram in sfarsit un “om mare”, cu banii mei si cu un portofel care sa arate asta.
Anii au trecut si am inceput sa lucrez, castigand bani adevarati pe care i-am pus in portmoneu.
Am cumparat lucruri, scumpe, ieftine si cateodata inutile, toate cu banii din portmoneu.
Am cumparat emotii, sperante si putere, si am pierdut timp, sentimente si prietenii, toate astea cu ajutorul banilor din portmoneu.
Cateodata plin de bani, altadata gol ca vorbele unui politician, portmoneul meu a stat alaturi de mine indiferent de situatie. Nu m-a judecat niciodata, si nu mi-a dat niciodata sfaturi, ajutandu-ma sa devin un om mai bun.

Toate astea de la un obiect atat de neinsemnat. Dar totul s-a schimbat in ziua in care am inceput sa ma joc Erepublik.
Acea zi a schimbat totul pentru portmoneul meu, si nimic nu a mai fost la fel...


I’ll never forget that day. It was such a wonderful day, that day when I bought my first wallet.
I only had so much money to buy the wallet, and nothing more to fill it with, but I was happy.
I wasn’t about the money. It was about the symbol. Now I was a grown up, with my own money and a wallet to express my social status.
Years passed and I started to work, earning real money that I put inside my wallet.
I bought stuff, expensive stuff, cheap stuff and sometimes useless stuff, all with money from my wallet.
I bought emotions, hopes and power, and I lost time, feelings and friendships, all with money from my wallet.
Sometimes filled with money, other times empty as a politicians words, my wallet stood by me no matter what. It never judged me, and it never gave advice, helping me to become a better man.

All this from such a trivial little thing. But it all changed the day I began playing Erepublik.
That day changed everything for my wallet, and things were never the same again...
Aceasta e viata pe care o duce portmoneul meu acum:
(This is the life my wallet has nowadays🙂