Day 1,104, 00:55 Published in Australia Australia by DARK VORODOR

G’day eAustralia,
Yes, it’s that time of the year again and this time, I’ve decided to throw my name into the barrel for the big seat, the December-January Presidential elections. With that, here is a brief introduction to those who may not know me:
-6-Term Senator of eAustralian Senate
-1-Term Co-Minister of Cultural Services
-3-Term Minister of Foreign Affairs
-6-Terms Minister of Finance(Treasurer)
-2-Terms of Deputy Prime Minister

With these credentials, I am happy to express my confidence to run the country. In starting this game since eAustralia’s signing of AIRRA(Australia’s first Independence Agreement), I have witnessed the return of WA, the invasion of Brazil and the PTO of eIndonesia. eAustralia has endured a long road, in which I have been part of.

My term will consist of two stages. Stage 1 will consist of consolidating and reforming our country internally and Stage 2 will consist of an external expansion policy. These will be explained in later editions of my platform.

Finally, I will open positions for my cabinet. Being a traditional Mid-Guard, I have transformed a few positions to improve reliability and efficiency within the cabinet. This includes the removal in the Chief-of-Staff and combining the Department of Finance and Industry into one department, The Department of Economy. This way, the Finance will be able to budget and be further cost-effectiveness in spending. The Department of Education will be expanded into promoting eAustralia instead of only helping new players, hence the new department name, Department of Cultural Services. The following are a list of positions available:
Minister of Economy
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Defence
Minister of Public Relations
Minister of Immigration
Minister of Cultural Services

I will be available on the forums, IRC and In-game so contact me on any of them. Any questions or query please feel free to contact me also. Stay tune for the next few editions where I will express my ideas of the two stage policy.

Long-Serving Member of eAustralia.