Rule Britannia

Day 824, 02:21 Published in Belgium Belgium by Rithulme
Goodmorning eBelgium,

I know this is not a habit of mine but today I’m going to discuss some foreign politics and events instead of eBelgium ones. Everyone of you has probably read the news already and so you all know eUK signed a peace treaty with EDEN. Today I’ll give my opinion on the possible consequences of that groundbreaking decision.

With the resignation of the eUK from WW IV phoenix received a heavy blow, not only in military power but also political. Yes I know many high officials in the eUK government stated that they will continue the fight for phoenix but I fear the trust in the alliance will be far gone. So what will happen now? At first I think there is going to be a large congress shift in the eUK in the next elections. The decision for peace wasn’t backed by the majority of the population and logic says the politicians will be punished for that. The question is then, will the new eUK government declare the peace unlawful and start the war again or will they keep it as it is signed under international agreement. That is a difficult choice and one that I certainly wouldn’t like to make. It’s the hard choice of the government between doing what seems best and doing what the people want.

Of course the next question is, what will happen to Phoenix? Well with the risk of being called a propagandist I state here: Phoenix is losing WW IV. It’s not like their countries will be overrun and they cannot do anything about it, but the lost the initiative and in war losing the initiative is losing the war. History and common sense tells us that when one alliance gains dominance the infighting in that alliance will break lose. EDEN consists of three super powers, eUSA, ePoland and eSpain. When their enemies weaken they will need new ones, that’s the way of keeping your population happy, even the Romans figured that out long ago. So I guess a new war will break out between EDEN members, and the ideal location seems western Europe at the moment.

To conclude I would like to state a few words about the reason of the peace offer. Yes indeed, why would EDEN propose peace to the eUK? They were winning the war and they could stop all counter attacks by swapping regions. Well I think their motive is simple: to undermine the eUK trustworthiness. Many nations still blame the eUK for treason in the last war, a treason that led to the occupation of eCannada. With this action those nations are trying to make the eUK lose all political credibility, and seeing the first responses after the peace they are succeeding in that.

As you can see this ‘first step to worlds peace’ is more like a new move in the enormous political chess game eRepublik is today.

For a free and neutral eBelgium!