RTÉ takeover

Day 1,196, 09:52 Published in Ireland Ireland by seanlynch

Good evening, this is seanlynch, new news reader of the RTÉ news, the headlines tonight:

Former news presenter Bertie Ahern has left Ireland to return to Belgium:

MikeBhane announces presidential campaign, his announcement came at :

Dan Murchadh, Party President of the Fenian Brotherhood, has announced that he is running for president at: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/march-5th-campaign--1694567/1/20

Marcus Surdius has announced that is will be running for party president of the Costume party at: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/my-run-for-costume-party-president-1694607/1/20

Maddog Jones continues his PTO attempt of Ireland, the latest news is at:

For more news in election news, gossip and maddog updates, stick with RTÉ.

P.S. if you want your news, please message me, Reactionist, that is not real news.