RPA- Responces (whats this OKT crap about. You mean RPA)

Day 814, 10:23 Published in Australia South Korea by Comrade Robb

Eh yo! Tecchi, whats all this OKT shit about, you mean that gaggle of posers and pto'ers you gathered to destory a genuine party? Oh that lot! Well let me tell you something. You got about 4 days before your gunna have to clean up the office and move out because I'ma movin in. and I'm bringing Callum and Will and the others with me.

But thats enouth of an introduction.

lets respond to the crap your peddeling in your last article.

1)"What do you mean you were personally attacked?

A certain Comrade_Callum (obviously a puppet or multi? of Comrade Robb) has been sending Mass PMs to OKT members and others calling me a "a well known multi and cheeter in the guise of another account".

.Comrade Callum is NOT my multi lets get that straight ok. He's a Stalinist from sctoland and an eAthesit. I'm a Liberal from England and a Dioist. Though I must say I'm flattered if your trying to pull up the multi card because your too terrified that I may win fair and square.
I've spoken to Callum and he admitted to sending those PM's but I didn't know anything about them till I spoke to him. And to be fair I know your not a mutli. Just a plain cheater.

2)William Archibald Collins created the Republican Party of Australia (RPA) as a RIGHT WING party. Yet, for some strange unknown reason, he has chosen Comrade Robb to run instead as PP in an attempt to get back the RPA.

Comrade Robb (and Comrade_callum), as you can obviously deduce from their names are LEFT WING communists. Simply look at Callum's avatar (Robb's was the same before he changed it)

I'm very liberal actually and if you knew anythign about the Party or me or my views you would know I'm PRO-AUSTRALIA, and I wish I'd chosen a better screen name but I can't worry about that now. William chose me because I'm better known, more experianced and I asked to lead it and I'm doing an ok job of bulidng up support and getting ready to defeat you.

3)Comrade Robb is notorious for leaving Australia to go to other countries like Russia, North Korea and Pakistan to join and run parties and the then leave shortly after. Just read his earlier newspaper articles and you will see that he is not the saint he has been made out to be.

I'm spotless Tecchi and you know it. Theres no Dirt on me. No scandels no nothing so stop trying that on ok your making yourself look stupid. So I've left eAus before but who cares. Am i not allowed to wonder the world? I wasn't tied down. If anything I have more worldy experiance than yourself and other eAussies around, i ran a very important postition in Russia. And now I'm commited here and I'm here to stay, eAus is exciting now and I have a job to do.

And what have you done? Well lets look shall we. You killed a perfectly good young party and made it's original owner have to fight to re-take it. You are a PTO'er just a little bit betetr than Pizza the Fail because at least you are eAustralian, but still poltics doesn't need scum liek you. Now start packing I'ma kicking you out.