Royal Navy Recruiting

Day 1,253, 07:32 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Grampa Alfagrem

The UKPP is now throwing open the doors of it's primary MU, The Royal Navy to all willing recruits.

All recruits must;
1. Join the MU -
2. Be a member of the UKPP -
3. Be willing to serve upon one of our mighty ships (work in a company) on a wage of £50 daily;

Apply by clicking on the name of;
HMS Nelson
HMS Barham
HMS Revenge
HMS Warspite

Supplies are delivered on a weekly basis and rationed at 12 Q6 Tanks for every day worked (rising to 15 when we get our nation back!).

As you'd expect with the UKPP - There are no Strength, Rank or Age requirements for enlistment, first come is first served.

So join today and prepare to travel the world!