Round 4 First line-up

Day 344, 12:35 Published in Sweden Sweden by Zenithal

"Hador ar bast, ingen protest"
"Desk Warriors ar mesar!"

Round 4 First line-up
just me - frozen4
1. Runner - Runner 1-1
2. Warrior - ______ 1-0
3. ______ - Runner 0-1
4. Warrior - Blocker 2-0
5. Blocker - Warrior 0-2
6. ______ - ______ 0-0
7. Blocker - Blocker 0-0
8. Runner - Warrior. 1-0

ZenGames two best players at the moment and this match is really even. A small advantage for just me but this could end up in any way.
just me - frozen4 5-4

Udrian - Hador
1. ______ - Warrior 0-1
2. Runner - Blocker 0-2
3. ______ - ______ 0-0
4. Blocker - Blocker 0-0
5. Blocker - Blocker 0-0
6. Runner - Warrior 1-0
7. Warrior - Blocker 1-0
8. Warrior - ______. 1-0

No changes from any of these players since last they met and once again the result is draw between them.
Udrian - Hador 3-3