ROTO is the answer - Wonder Forward your prophet!

Day 745, 12:11 Published in Indonesia Argentina by NitsugaS
a new son of roto recieved a message from the admins...

while descending to hades this poor new believer saw his god at the gates.

he stopped him and sai😛
"this is not your time. you still have work to do! :rotocafe:"

"but why? why im recieving such honour? why me my dear and almighty god?"
asked with tears in his eyes

"you know the answer. you are a true follower! :rotocafe:"

and so roto took his .txt file from eR server back to heaven

he is alive! its a rotomiracle!

and so the rumour spred to all nations and here are some testimonies...

"those who believe in roto will be blessed with eternal life."

"roto dignifies. it wasnt his time."


follow him and follow your new prophet wonder forward!