Ronisu for eIrish President - The Team

Day 1,719, 16:44 Published in Ireland Ireland by Ronisu

Greetings eIreland,

Without further waiting, I present to you the Team that will be working daily to support eIreland, should you vote for me for CP.


The President this term will be writing regular articles and upholding a regular committment to Communication. Because I find transparency important, I'll do my best to share the actions of your government at least weekly, but likely more often and during serious issues and changes. We are entering an interesting time globally, and I look forward to hearing from all of you as we chart the best course for Ireland.

Vice President
Winston Hope Smith

My Vice-President will be working on helping to monitor and coordinate the various Ministers listed below. To this end, I don't think I could find a better VP than Winston Hope Smith, a man who can help me learn the lessons of being a fresh-faced CP, but also a trusted friend who can help me keep the gears turning.

Ministry of Finance
Sweet Drinker

The Ministry of Finance will continue doing the work that has been done for months. In addition to Sweet Drinker, DreadedEstate is joining as a Deputy Minister of Finance. Also, the Ministry of Finance will begin conveying facts on expendiature to the Dail so that they may better be informed in their decision making. For those that have seen some of my pretty graphs before, there will be an array of those dealing with finances regularly.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ethel Rosenberg

The MoFA team will again manage things through the seasoned hands of Ethel Rosenberg. The MoFA team will begin the term by getting a grasp of how the dissolution of ONE and the formation of the Fellowship is altering global relations. MoFA will resume relations with EDEN until appropriate public gauging can be taken, but will also begin to explore other possibilities for the future of eIreland. I welcome sawc onto the team as a vMoFA, which he is exceptionally qualified for after his service as Director of the Ambassador Program. Rikian1776 joins the MoFA team as the Deputy Minister of Immigration. Through this work he hopes to better inform the Dail and the People about community changes that are taking place and how we can improve and manage our immigration levels.

Ministry of Community
Patrick O'Leary
Gerald Smythe

There are still pending people for the Ministry of Community, so look for this list to increase. This team will focus on handling much of the day-to-day communication and fellowship of eIreland. From the very beginning, this Ministry will begin a process for gauging the opinions of the People. The creation of this process to ensure that voters are aware of the issues, will take place before the creation of any poll or survey, but those will come soon. Also, we will be handling Social Media Creation and the placing of some content on a National Forum. We are dedicated to keeping the majority of the interraction ingame only, but we will be creating programs to reward involvement in the forums. Also, LewisTelemon is joining the MoC Team as a Deputy Minister for Information, his job will be focused on creating surveys and analyzing data for those surveys. The Minister of Community is bean&teddy.

Ministry of Defense
Anthony Colby

The Ministry of Defense is setup in a team configuration for this term. I tried to get a wide range of voices from a variety of MUs, and at the time of selection no each member is from a unique MU. This Ministry will be writing regular articles explaining Daily Orders and reporting on progress in past weeks, as well as handling regular supply. Malbekh is in the MoD as a Special Advisor on Military Units in case the people decide that MU reorganization is a preferred path.

Ministry of Scottish Affairs
Andrews the Nomad

The Ministry of Scottish Affairs will be focused this term on promoting the formation and growth of a Scottish Community in eIreland. Hopefully, this will bring us new voices and new friends as they continue their work. This Ministry will be working closely with the Ministers of Immigration and Community to achieve these goals.

Ministry of Spiritual Enlightenment through Chaos and Gore
Viktor Kurgan

The MoSEtCaG will be handling matters of the utmost importance to the spiritual fortitude of the office-holder. Through sheer bluntness and violence The Kurgan shall advise the CP on matters of his choosing. This Minister's comments are not necessarily endorsed by the Administration, due to the overpowering nature of The Kurgan.

New Faustian Man
Lysander Spooner II

I will still accept people who are interested in joining the Cabinet into several Ministries, but be ready to work. I believe in a Cabinet where new talent and old talent work together and learn from eachother, and I hope you have seen that through some of my selections. My Cabinet is composed of people from wide ranges of Political Parties and MUs. If you vote for me you aren't voting for an IFP or ICA Cabinet, you are voting for an eIrish Cabinet.

Candidate for President of eIreland