Day 1,571, 12:51 Published in China Romania by R E P T I L E


Cu toti stim nevoia celor mici de ajutor. Un ajutor , oricat de mic , conteaza mult de aceea mi-am propus sa vin in ajutorul celor mici si al celor care au nevoie de ajutor.

De accea lansez proiectul "Romanian : CARE PROJECT"! . In ce consta proiectul?
In prima faza voi aduna food si îi rog pe toti cei care pot sa doneze food, moneda sau gold sa imi doneze si zilnic voi face update la articol unde voi mentiona donatori.
Dupa cateva zile, cand voi strange suficient food, voi face un alt articol unde voi pune un link spre un formular si in functie de cat food se aduna voi imparti tuturor celor care au nevoie

NOTA : Din moneda si gold se va achizitiona food la cel mai rentabil pret. Pentru a ajunge la cat mai multi va rog sa dati chain shout.
Arata ca iti pasa. O Romanie unita e un castig pentru toti romani.IMPLICA-TE! DUPA DONATIE DA-MI UN MESAJ CU CALITATEA DE FOOD PENTRU EVIDENTA.

Multumesc .

Chain Shout

Sanatate pentru toti! WE CARE!

FOOD Q1 : 12680
FOOD Q2 : 9444
FOOD Q3 : 2390
FOOD Q4 : 0
FOOD Q5 : 4520
ARME Q1 : 47
ARME Q2 : 149
ARME Q5 : 136
MONEDA : 67512
GOLD : 11

Gregor Mileusnic has transferred 30 Food to your storage. Q5
The.Dark.Angel has transferred 1000 Food to your storage. Q1
Abreak Ad Habra has transferred 300 Food to your storage. Q1
Anonim [la cerere) has transfered 800 CNY to your account.
Anonim (la cerere) has transferred 150 Food to your storage. Q3
WayMilky has transferred 1000 Food to your storage Q2
blackpanther76 has transferred 1000 Food to your storage. Q1
brouvi has transferred 500 Food to your storage. Q2
adibubu10 has transferred 300 Food to your storage. Q2
thaddaus has transferred 500 Food to your storage. Q2
Sherky has transferred 300 Food to your storage. Q5
AbentaPrezentului has transferred 167 Food to your storage. Q2
AbentaPrezentului has transferred 90 Food to your storage. Q3
totMarius has transferred 500 Food to your storage.Q2
FreeGigi has transferred 100 Food to your storage. Q2
Tamas Vlad has transferred 500 Food to your storage. Q5
Klaudinho has transferred 480 Food to your storage. Q1
Klaudinho has transferred 47 Weapons to your storage.Q1
Klaudinho has transferred 100 Food to your storage. Q5
okty has transferred 340 Food to your storage.Q5
RVALY has transfered 3000 CNY to your account.
vand3r has transferred 500 Food to your storage.Q2
christinicu has transferred 50 Food to your storage. Q5
falca666 has transferred 2000 Food to your storage. Q1
zbuggy has transferred 1000 Food to your storage.Q1
Alemanus has transferred 100 Food to your storage. Q2
halandala has transferred 500 Food to your storage. Q2
xul0 has transferred 500 Food to your storage. Q2
Clopoyaur has transferred 500 Food to your storage.Q3
TaranRoman has transferred 1500 Food to your storage.Q1
TaranRoman has transfered 1000 CNY to your account.
danioprea1985 has transferred 100 Food to your storage.Q2
faraway1990 has transferred 300 Food to your storage. Q2
codrincody has transferred 1500 Food to your storage. Q1
ghost84 has transferred 300 Food to your storage.Q2
SpecialKHouse has transferred 500 Food to your storage. Q2
Anonim (la cerere) has transferred 136 Weapons to your storage. Q5
Ge0rgel has transfered 10 Gold to your account.
Ge0rgel has transfered 14000 CNY to your account.
Ge0rgel has transfered 32512 CNY to your account.
Ge0rgel has transferred 75 Weapons to your storage.

Anonim (la cerere) has transferred 1000 Food to your storage. Q5
AncientSquare has transfered 15800 CNY to your account.
George.Asro has transferred 177 Food to your storage. Q2
maxu08 has transferred 1500 Food to your storage. Q2
gil111 has transferred 200 Food to your storage. Q1
Mishu Mihai has transferred 10 Weapons to your storage. Q2
uxini has transferred 2000 Food to your storage. Q5
Gerosanu has transferred 1000 Food to your storage. Q2
Bullterier has transferred 150 Food to your storage. Q3
general.aurelianus has transferred 1000 Food to your storage. Q3
Melanthe has transferred 20 Weapons to your storage. Q2
Melanthe has transferred 500 Food to your storage. Q1
Andre.Andre has transferred 200 Food to your storage. Q1
Andre.Andre has transferred 200 Food to your storage. Q2
Tanneberger has transfered 1 Gold to your account.
Tanneberger has transferred 119 Weapons to your storage. Q2
Tanneberger has transferred 400 Food to your storage. Q2
Jedi Obi Wan has transferred 300 Food to your storage. Q2
alex621 has transferred 500 Food to your storage. Q3
BogdanM has transfered 200 CNY to your account.
BogdanM has transferred 1000 Food to your storage.Q1
Bandit67 has transferred 200 Food to your storage. Q5
TaranRoman has transferred 2000 Food to your storage. Q1