Romania drowns under a tide of PEACE

Day 489, 12:13 Published in Australia South Korea by Comrade Robb

Romania is now attacked across her lands Her impressive list of enemies grows almost daily it seems.
The very fact it is still standing is testimony to it's abilities as a country and the amount of ATLANTIS pouring into her.


Are all at war and attcking Romania. PEACE is slowly drowning Romania under the whole weight of it's strengh, as PEACE mobelizes it makes me wonder what ATLANTIs is doing to prevent it's flagship nation from collasping. The answer; very little. the UK has deployed paratroopers in thin numbers across Romania

e😜resident uncle Sam of the US sent tanks which helped turn the tide but cost the US 431 gold and him the Presidentship, the US is losing the war with Mexico and Portugual. While Spain grinds on relentlessly with France.

If this keeps up then Romania is doomed to defeat and occupation and ATLANTIS is as good as (excuse my french) f***ed. This is the turning point, this is the breakign point. If Romania fails then ATLANTIS falls and nothign can effectivly stop Indonesia and the free world is doomed to imperialism and Indonesian rule.

Oz must remian neutral or Indonesia once it is finished gorging on the world will not be so mericful with us, it will consume us and then there will be no freedom.