rolfus_mercartor, Councillor of Health

Day 495, 09:18 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by South West Regional Council

I am rolfus_mercartor (aka rolfus99* on the forums) and I have the privelage of being your Councillor of Health!

Some of the more observant of you may know that I am also the Director of Health in the South West. Being in this position was the main reason I decided to become a regional Councillor.

What am I here to do? Essentially I am here to advise you on how to keep your wellness as high as possible . In many ways you can consdier my your eRepublik GP!

It is important to keep wellness high, as it increases your productivity when working, which in turn means that products are created faster, making markets more efficent. High wellness also means you do more damage when fighting, which is the key to winning battles!

I would like every citizen to join the South West Clinic by adding it as a friend. By shouting you can recieve gifts which increase your wellness.

Finally, please please pelase join the forums and join our growing community!

Thank You
