Rogue Congressmen

Day 559, 23:27 Published in Japan Japan by Imperial Sun Party

This is my first article, some musings about rogue congressmen--"gold-diggers" as my fellow Congresswoman Oraizan has termed them--and a list of them from the past two months.

Due to inaction on the part of party leaders, rogue candidates from other countries move to eJapan shortly before congressional elections, often bringing an entourage of unsavory types to vote for them and bully others in the low-population regions of our nation. In so doing, they deny the real citizens of those regions, few as they are, from having a voice in our government and real representation. Of equal importance is their theft of gold which they take back with them to their home countries when they leave eJapan shortly after the elections have ended.

The following is a list of persons who won congressional seats, then left them for their home countries shortly thereafter. I invite them to defend their actions, if they are capable of doing so.

A short list of April and May congressional election "Gold-Diggers"

Traktor Tom
Roberto Rosas
Hans Harold Frentzen
Hans Kloss

There are possibly more that I did not catch. If these people return to eJapan, do NOT vote for them! They do not represent anyone's best interests except their own.

Earlier today, I proposed in Congress the formation of an election commission for the purpose of assisting the party leaders in finding and stopping these rogues from participating in our electoral process.

ご清聴ありがとうございます� ��(Thank you for listening!)