Robert E. Lee for Congress.

Day 1,161, 12:01 Published in USA USA by General Robert Lee

On the January 25 Congressional elections, I will be representing the Federalist Party in the race for the seat of the State Hawaii.
My platform is simple. I believe the best way the eUSA will advance itself is by a strong, free market economy. I believe, as does the Federalist Party, that the rights of the individual are a keystone of any free, democratic society.
I will do my best to help USA, not to follow my own doctrines religiously to its possible detriment. I will, however, vote positively on any motion I see that supports the market, as it is through this that the country will improve.
In a non-economical sense, in me you have a congressman who will support PANAM in all its endevours. If military action is required by the eUSA to support an ally, I will cast my vote for it unless there is an extremely good reason. I will also cooperate with my party in the vote, so my constituents can expect a representative who is fully accountable for their actions.
But I will not take a role contrained to simply voting on acts. I have some items to vote on of my own, and will debate these points with all my zeal. When my influence in Congress is increased I plan to suggest a variety of measures which I believe will positively effect the country.
I do not have the same levels of political experience as some other candidates. That may seem like a strange addition to positive facts, but it is what it is and I expect it used against me frequently. One thing I promise is to change that inexperience by gaining knowledge.

About me
Born: 08.11.2009-Day 719 of the New World
Joined the Federalist Party:09.02.2010
Proud member of the Easy Company Federalist Militia .
Former Member of 301.PLT Reserved Division TC.
Former Precinct Captain of FOP.
Fed. Mentor.
Former District Representative
Deputy ambassador to Croatia.

So on 25th January, I ask all citizens of the Hawaii to do the right thing; bring a new voice into the region, one which will truly stand up for your voices. Vote for Robert E. Lee, of the Federalist Party as Congressman for the Hawaii.
Any questions? PM me, email me, or msn me at