RMA Sandhurst

Day 1,805, 13:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Solytix

Hi all,

First of all I would like to welcome all of you who have joined.

As you can see my name is Solytix, my real name is Steve so feel free to call me that (or fat sod lol). I am the current Commander of the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst. I say current because there will not be a permanent Commander for Sandhurst, but we will take it in turns to run the unit (Ironfists Tempest will take over in a month and his eventual successor will become 2nd Commander) so we can all gain experience in unit administration and then you can all move onto the British Army and perhaps take on responsibilities over there.

Sandhurst was created to help newer players learn the game and to also obtain supplies that will help them to rank up (which makes the game much more enjoyable, I hated struggling in this game). Speaking of supplies, if you require some please let us know. Don't be shy, we were all new once and we will be happy to be able to share weapons and/or food with you.

I will be trying to create as many jobs as possible for you if you want them, and to also be supplying you with as much as I can. Actually, it's not just me, it'll be other people also supplying you. That's the great thing about this game, there are incredible people throughout the game (yeah, people in the various parties/units write the same things, and help their own members and act the same way all over, we're all human) who are happy to help out. I would actually like to mention Don Dapper and Howdyho, the Commander and 2nd Commander respectively of the British Army, both great guys who do so much to help people out.

I'm crap at writing so I'll finish here. Good luck and I hope you all enjoy the game.


Edit: Since writing this I read an article by Gsfdgfs about a website that asks the user (you, me, whoever) questions and for each correct answer donates 10 grains of rice to the starving. I mentioned incredible people above, well this really proves my point. This game has many of these people who help others and are selfless. Good going Gfsdgfs 😉
Here is a link to the article: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/free-rice-free-q7s-2146471/1/20

There is a group on the website aswell, that way we can all keep track of our progress as a community.