RL eAus meetup - Gold Coast

Day 1,775, 20:37 Published in Australia Australia by infin

A whole bunch of eAus ereppers met up on Friday at Jupiters Casino on the Gold Coast. Here is a photo of the crew assembled in the Sports bar:

From left to right the attendees are: mzcielly, Danaith, Ted Whitehead, Henry the 8th, sir_c0nstant, infin, savonrepus and ronnyjnrjnr.
Some names are a little off, feel free to leave a comment or PM me with the correct info.

During the meetup the Country President DocterDry2 was asked for comment to which he replie😛 FUUUUUUUUU!

I couldn't stay long but we had a few beers then the rest of the crew headed off to a pool bar for some casual brawling. Great idea and awesome to meet some of the eAus team IRL!