RL calls...

Day 782, 12:25 Published in USA USA by Patches O'Houlihan

Well, I've been ignoring some things in real life that have sort of come to bite me in the tuckus.

It isn't the fault of eRep that I have neglected my problems, but if every time I open the internet, I check the military orders and go have a date with Lana, things are going to get a lot worse.

So, I'm going to be two-clicking for the next month or so. I'll be back in action fully (I promise) in March, and I'll probably be more active in February than I will be for the rest of January.

USWP, I won't be making my usual run for congress this month. Sweetbags, I'm sorry I won't be able to help with the Worker's University for a while. Fionia, keep on keepin' on.

Thanks guys and I'll see you later!

-Patches O'Houlihan