rjeddings for Congress!

Day 701, 07:55 Published in Austria Austria by rjeddings

My name is rjeddings, and I am running for my third term in congress from the province of Styria.

I have been in Austria for about 5 months. When I moved here from the nation formerly know as Switzerland, Austria had about 120 citizens and only two provinces. I chose to be born in Switzerland out of a RL knowledge that Switzerland was a peace loving country and remained neutral in most all armed conflicts that did not involve themselves. I also was guessing that Switzerland would have a strictly capitalist economy, and subscribe to sound money principles. I was wrong. It was run as a theocracy with a communist economy. After, doing much research on economies, government leadership, tax rates, and currency values I decided to move to Austria. That was still early in my elife.

Now that I am in Austria, I have worked hard to exhibit the free market principles that make Austria great. I have started two companies, and currently employee 20 – 30 people. The wages of these employees flow back into the economy as the purchase goods from the local marketplace, thereby increasing the standard of living of all Austrians. As a business leader, I feel I have developed the knowledge to be a leader of this great country.

My political philosophy is quite simple. I believe government is there to protect the rights of the people, maintain the rule of law and provide for the common defense. As a congressman, I don’t want to run your life, and I don’t want to run the world. I would like to see as little revenue as possible extracted from the people and deposited into the government coffers. I am, however, a realist. There are some very real functions of government and they do require funding, but my goal will be to be the taxpayers best friend.

I also support a strong but stable ATS policy. In my brief tenure in Austria I have seen the ATS fluctuate in value from 0.023 per ounce of gold all the way to 0.009. Within the past month, we have all seen some stability return to the currency. I would like to credit the current administration, (of which I am a part as an economic advisor) for bringing about this stability. My goal as a congressman will be to take actions that maintain the strength of the ATS. This should happen automatically over time, if we continue to experience an increase in our population. The result of a stronger ATS will be an increase in value of the savings of all citizens of Austria. Austrians will also experience greater variety and reduced prices of imported goods in our marketplace.

I am also against protectionism. I do not want to see prohibitive tax levels placed on imports. With our small population and industrial base, there are many products that are not available domestically. Everyone’s wellness and standard of living is increased by having access to these products.

Finally, I am always in favor of wars defending our homeland. However, I do not endorse the policy of aggressive or preemptive war. First of all, war is expensive, and always is detrimental to the economy. Secondly, wars of aggression are always detrimental to our diplomatic standing in the world. Thirdly, I believe preemptive wars make us less safe, rather than safer. Finally, I believe aggressive wars are immoral.

If this sounds like a platform that you can support then I would request your vote in Styria on the 25th of this month. Furthermore, I believe so strongly that I am the person for this position, that I will buy 2 moving tickets for anyone that would like to relocate from a different province to vote for me.