Rise Up!

Day 588, 16:45 Published in USA USA by Robert Bayer

It is time for a president who will hold himself accountable to the American people -- and who will be held accountable by Congress.

For too long, our Congress has been dominated by the United States "Workers" Party, and for too long, the USWP has dominated the presidency as well. With Scrabman in the executive and his copartisans in Congress, very little came between him and what he wanted.

And when I say very little, I mean almost nothing. Little in the way of questions, little in the way of opposition, little in the way of proposals defeated or actions taken against him preferred policies. This is not acceptable. No government can govern effectively without being questioned -- this has long been one of the most prominent and forceful arguments for both freedom of speech and democracy.

Lowell Kennedy offers the American people this chance. Kennedy is not new to eAmerican politics, and this is evidenced by the respect and support accorded him across the political spectrum. He contested the Conservative Party primary; he is running strong in the America's Advancement Party primary; he has supporters within the United States Workers' Party; he will very likely win the Socialist Workers Party primary; he may very well receive the endorsement of the Democratic Party; and he has the endorsements of the Social Democratic Party of the US and the United States Green Party.

Such accomplishments are nothing at which to be scoffed.

With this in mind, I give my endorsement, as myself and as the eUS Senator from North Dakota, to Lowell Kennedy. Together, we can achieve a great society.

God bless.