Rigged Representation

Day 860, 10:44 Published in South Africa South Africa by Oceanus
Hello South Africa,

A discussion has begun for how South Africa could achieve democratic representation while still maintaining rigged and secure elections in-game.

Please go to the National Assembly and give your opinion.
I'm not trying to push this, only placing it out there to see whether enough South Africans would be willing to make this happen. 🙂

The Limpopo Legends (Golden Ten) received quite a bit of flak. But we still managed to rally and have almost total rig participation. Imagine what we might be able to do if the citizens were taking part in rigging to ensure their true democratically elected candidates. With enough media coverage and PMing we could have almost all SA represented by forum voting. Even without a huge turnout, wouldn't a system that reflects a large sample of the voters be better than having 10 candidates picked by a single person or controlling council?

This could be enacted for next month's elections (not this CP one but after). I know there will be skepticism, but by working together we could absolutely make this work. Security comes first. But this could give us that and more. A secure homeland AND to not have to accept rule by an administration that the people have had no role in choosing directly.

So here it is again,
View the National Assembly topic here
