Rico/Loco - Your ticket to the immediate future

Day 1,414, 11:06 Published in South Africa South Africa by Rico Suave

"Those guys? For the Presidency?!" I hear you say.
Admittedly, we've both been outspoken critics of administrations in the past. We are however pleased with where the country is today and the decisions that has led us here. eSouth African foreign affairs are healthy and we intend to keep them that way.

As far as my political history goes I can check the eSouth African boxes for Prime Minister, MoD and MoS. But these were all so long ago they can hardly be counted as experience. Especially in comparison to my formidable opposition. Locutus has always been a military man, a man of action rather than words. He is the current dMoD though!

Our administration pledges:

An end to utilitarian party politics
- The county is as safe as she'll ever be. It is time that all of you who play this game for the political module are allowed to once again step up and shine. Political and national evolution comes from diversity.

Increased funding for the armed forces
- Let's face it. This game is heavily tilted in favour of those who like soldiering. More soldiers means more dedicated citizens.

Not to meddle in economics - There is no Erep economy, we promise not to touch that.

There's probably more, but I doubt that anyone actually read this far.