Richard Nixon II for Congressman

Day 880, 16:13 Published in USA USA by Jefferson Lincoln

Hello again. I'm going to run for Congress under the UIP banner. Here is my platform.

My economic plan
Although the economy is recovering, it could be a lot better. One of the first things I would propose is a moderate increase in import taxes for industries who are flooded with foreign companies. Some people might say that increased import taxes reduces competition which raises the prices of goods. However thats not necessarily true. Many American businesses are failing due to the fact we have too much foreign competition. If we eliminate some of the foreign competition, this will allow more of our businesses to survive increasing domestic company competition therefore keeping prices low. I have to give credit for this idea to a U.S. Congressman's name that I cannot remember who wrote a news article discussing this. If someone can tell me who it was, I'll be more than happy to edit this and give him the credit.

Another thing I would encourage is lower income taxes. The current tax rate of 22% across the board is just a little too high for me. If we lower the income tax rate one of two things will happen. Americans will either spend more money or else save more money for later use. Both scenerios are good for our economy.

My military strategy
In my opinion the U.S. military is far too complex for wars as simple as fighting a wall. Now I have to admit, when v2 arrives, things will become more complex, as you must have commanding officers to help strategize. Also as a former member of the U.S. Training Corps I have to admit I became rather frustrated with the whole system (no offense to the great people of the Training Corps). For example, I have the erepublik rank of Captain and I'd have to know how the war module works right? Not in the U.S. military. You start off as a "trainee" and you have to take numorous tests about military history and how it all works. I believe your erepublik rank should transfer over to your U.S. military rank. Now there does need to be some organization as far as the military goes so I propose that the Department of Defense assign soldiers to different divisions, companies, platoons, squads ect. and create a chain of command in accordance with your erepublik military rank. Also there needs to be some sort of a organized militia of sorts for everyday American citizens who want to remain somewhat independent but want to help serve their country and need some support with weapons. This is why I'm advocating the reactivation of former U.S. President Jewitt's Citizen Defense Force Program to "coordinate and arm our everyday Americans to fight as a single and well-oiled machine." Lastly let's face it. Our soldiers havn't been able to fight nearly as much now that we have left EDEN. I support training wars with friendly countries to help our soldiers increase their rank and military experience.

My diplomatic strategy
Although I support our decision to leave EDEN, I believe we need to attempt to heal some of the wounds with some of our former EDEN friends. We also need to rach out more to neutral countries. If that doesn't work, then let's try to send willing pro-US citizens over to other countries to try and change the politics of anti-US countries to atleast neutral or if we're lucky pro-US. I guess the bottom line is that although we should remai independent from EDEN we should try and remain friendly with them and try to form alliances with EDEN countries and support them. I realize that my diplomatic strategy is rather broad and short but i believe once I get into Congress that my strategy will become more complex.

I'm not sure which state I'll be running in but I'd really appreciate your support. Details to come in a later artice.

Richard Nixon II
President of the leadership in-exile of the Republican Party

Also endorsed by the Ultra-Nationalists!