RfC: Forums, Companies and Donations {Re-Post}

Day 300, 13:36 Published in USA USA by Rise


Let me intoduce RfC's new [a url=http://erfc.niceboard.net/forum.htm]forum[/a] all members need to register and be active on the site! There are places for introductions, general discussion, political discussions, mayor and congress discussion and of course a place to spam. So join up tonight!

Also we need to gather a complete list of RfC member companies. If you own a company please message me. This list will allow our members the chance to find and work for RfC member companies. Once the list is compiled we will being to move members around and recommending they work for other members companies.

Finally Ron Paul will be creating an SO for RfC to help fund several ideas and plans that have come up in the past days. So look for his press release on where you can donate. The donations will help with plans to give away homes, weapons, gifts and a whole host of things to be released at a later date.

And Finally if your not a member of RfC i suggest you join up today! RfC provides jobs, tutorials, forums and peer guidance. If you have any questions feel free to ask any RfC member.

Join [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/party-119.html]RfC[/a]
