Rezultati ankete o odnosima francuza i hrvata [hr/en]

Day 1,274, 14:16 Published in Croatia Egypt by Ahileus

Incerum press, May 2011., #16

Prije tjedan dana francuski kolega jrcourtois i ja pozvali smo ljude iz obje zemlje da sudjeluju u anketi o međusobnim odnosima naših dviju zemalja.

Anketa je bila objavljena u hrvatskom i francuskom tisku, sa pitanjima prilagođenim svakoj strani. Sada vam sada predstavljamo rezultate te ankete.

U Hrvatskoj, u anketi je sudjelovalo 112 građana, a gotovo svi i žive u Hrvatskoj, te imaju državljanstvo eHrvatske u igri (ingame). Izuzetak su 2 državljana BiH i jedan Poljske koji su se prišuljali 🙂

U Francuskoj, 104 građana je sudjelovalo u anketi, od čega samo 3 nisu Francuzi.

Jeste li zadovoljni sa svojim savezom?

by Croatia

by France

eHrvatska je u EDENu, a eFrancuska u TERRA. Zadovoljstvo hrvata svojim savezom (4.00) je znatno veće od zadovoljstva francuza svojim (3.06).

Za koga smatrate da je najgori protivnik eHrvatske ?

by Croatia

by France

Kod pitanja o najboljem savezniku eHrvatske, tu je bila zamka jer eRumunjska nije bila ponuđena kao odgovor. No ipak je 30 ispitanika dopisalo eRumunjsku, a od ostalih zemalja slijede eBugarska, eGrčka, eFinska, eBiH. U eFrancuskoj 20% ispitanika nije znalo reći tko im je najbolji saveznik.

eSrbija ostaje neprijatelj broj 1 kojeg je navela velika većina francuza i hrvata. To i ne čudi, a većinom su razlog RL poveznice kako je naglašeno i u komentarima.

Slažete li se sa politikom vanjskih poslova svoje zemlje?

by Croatia

by France

Ako usporedimo rezultate u eHrvatskoj i eFrancuskoj možemo zapaziti da je velika razlika u percepciji rada dviju Vlada. 56% ispitanih hrvata zadovoljno je rado na polju vanjskih poslova u usporedbi sa samo 36% francuza.

U eHrvatskoj 20% ispitanika misle da vanjska politika može biti bolja, a samo neki nisu upoznati ili im je svejedno.

U eFrancuskoj, 9% ispitanika je napisalo da nisu upoznati, a 11% se neslažu sa vanjskom politikom svoje zemlje, dok 20% misli da nije loša.

Biste li željeli bolju povezanost eHrvatske i eFrancuske ?

by Croatia

by France

Mišljenje hrvata i francuza jedni o drugima su jako dobra, a rezultat je 3.12 - 3.59 u korist hrvata. Hrvati vole francuze mrvicu više nego što francuzi vole nas.

81% hrvata je izrazilo želju za bolju povezanost sa francuzima, naspram 73% francuza što samo pokazuje našu međusobnu povezanost u ovoj igri.

Zahvaljujem svima na sudjelovanju u ovoj anketi, a pozivam i da pogledate članak francuskog kolege.

A week ago, my french colegaue jrcourtois and me have invited people from both our countries to participate in survey about mutual relasionship between our countries.

Survey was published in croatian and french press and now we are presenting results of that survey.

In Croatia we got 112 responses and almost all participants live in Croatia and have eCroatian citizenship ingame. There are only 2 citizens BiH and one Polish guy that sneaked in 🙂

In France, there are only 104 people get involved in this survey. The question was probably a little sharper than usual to attract 2 clicks.
Among them, there are 3 people are not French IRL or IG and expatriates are still 12 countries in total.

Are you happy with your alliance?

by Croatia

by France

Croatia is in Eden, and France in TERRA. The rate of satisfaction among Croatian(4.00) is significantly higher than in France(3.06). It remains positive in France (the average being 2.5).

Which country do you think is eCroatian worst enemy?

by Croatia

by France

Regarding the best ally of the Croats, there was a trap, because Romania was not part of the answers propposed. But 30 participants added Romania followed by Bulgaria, Greece, Finland, BiH. Also, in France 20% of people who admitted not knowing the main ally.

Serbia remains the enemy who was quoted by the huge majority of French and Croatian. This is due, unfortunately, mainly due to IRL as it was indicated in the comments.

Do you agree with the foreign affair policy of eCroatian ?

by Croatia

by France

If we compare the results in France and Croatia, we can only note that there is a serious gap in the perception of foreign policy conducted by the country.
The Croats are 56% to join fully with it, when they are only 36% in France.

In Croatia, they are still at 20% thinking that it might be better, and they are very few to be indifferent or unaware (6😵.

In France, 9% admitted not being aware, and 11% are in complete disagreement. 20 % seem to find that it is still not bad.

Would you vote in favor of a deeper alliance between eCroatian and eFrance ?

by Croatia

by France

The two countries' mutual opinion is pretty good, it gets a score of 3.12 of opinion in favor of Croatia in France and 3.59 in Croatia. Croats love us a bit more than we love them.

The Croatians are actually 81% to vote for, when only 73% of French people make this choice. However, we can see that the plebiscite is shared on both sides!

Thanks all for participating in this survey, and I invite you to read article from my french colleague


Napoleon was one of many rulers that were fascinated by Croatian war skills, he said to General Marmont: "I never had more braver and better soldiers". Napoleon also said this: "Croatians, there are best soldiers in the world. If I had only 100000 Croatians, I would conquer the entire world!".
