Day 4,794, 16:02 Published in Canada Canada by Thedillpickl

Greetings comrades!

Please, feel free to turn up the volume.

Here's the link:

You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world

Once More Unto The Breach
~ Or ~
Here We Go Again!

You must give me credit. If nothing else, my turns at CP are different. With everyone calmed down we are running close to normal going into January.

NO! Not that normal...

Yes, that kind of normal.

I'd like to thank those in my Cabinet who help steer the ship. We have newcomers getting an inside look at things. We have old timers who keep me on track. We have observers that make sure I'm a little self conscious. lol

Two I'd like to mention. Mann551 is indispensable. He's supposed to be taking a break so he could attend to family affairs. Seems like every time I need him he pops up. Another is a long time game friend, helixer. We met like 2nd week I was playing eRep. He's remarkably intelligent for a college man and has loads of common sense. He was surprised when I installed him as MoFA but has done an amiable job speaking for Canada.

Another Go

I'll do another term. Partly because there's unfinished business I'll tell about soon. Partly because no one was tripping over themselves to volunteer.

Let me take this opportunity to point out that we have a very competent team to handle anything, and I do mean anything, that comes up. With this group backing you a monkey could do CP.

/me glances at ED.

If you have aspirations or are just curious I urge you to let one of us know. We'll add you to the govt PM and scare the crap outta you... I mean, we'll get you started.

Thanks Canada!

On guard for thee,