Revising my Position on the President: The War, Slandar, and Lies

Day 394, 15:42 Published in USA USA by John Wycliffe

Recently, I expressed in my presentation for election to the Congress of the United States, that I "support the President of the United States despite what “failings” he may have. I supported him even before my party did and refuse to withdraw my support because of one “failure” in the midst of what has been a very good tenure in my estimation." This is no longer true, I sincerely regret to say. Just hours ago, President Dover lashed out against an anti-war faction in the United States Worker's Party saying the following:

"I'll say this; if you are a soldier, I urge you to leave this party [the United States Worker's Party] who bashes America's administration, bashes the everyday soldier, and is entirely against a proposal that passed congress 42-3 eleven days ago."

There is NO EXCUSE for this kind of behavior and it is absolutely appalling. I was in discussions with one of the Political Action Committee Leaders, GoBucks, in the USWP prior to the election urging the USWP to support Benn Dover in this past election. I thought Benn had done an extremely good jonb his first turn and thought that it was important to ensure that he received the chance to do a second. I have interviewed President Dover personally and admired his principles. However, he has lost that trust and admiration in recent days.

Furthermore, I was for the war when it began. While I had no vote, I would have joined the majority in voting for it. If I could have my way, I would support the continuation of the war as long as the rest of Atlantis saw it as a goal. What has happened with the President has not changed this stance. What I cannot tolerate and refuse to condone as a candidate for Congress, as a newspaper editor, and as an American is the actions of the President and his staff in complete slander of the United States Worker's Party. There is no need for this and it is contradictory to unity. Supporters of the war were quick to call any dissent to the war divisive and that it should stop. What can be more divisive than the President of the United States slandering the largest party in the nation because they have opposing views?

Furthermore, what "proof" has General Shafer put forth of conspiracy with PEACE? There is absolutely nothing in those posts that in any way suggests that the USWP was somehow sabotaging the war effort. Perhaps the party did cross some line in the garnering of international support against the war. That may have been going too far, but there was CERTAINLY NO treason involved. I'd like to deal with these accusations one by one for now:

The following quotes are from President Dover's article here:
"Not only have they written anti-war articles, such as ones found in political diverse areas like Spain, but they've been working to completely attack the war effort in the United States. Sending messages to soldiers, writing articles that make the US look politically isolated, and requesting PEACE assistance in their efforts to speak out against the war are just a few hobbies of the highest figures in the United States Workers Party."

While I did not support our current Party President in the latest election and do not agree with him on this war, it is preposterous to assume that he is colluding with PEACE to undermine the US war effort. That is a complete bunch of lies. There is no truth to them and I see no evidence outside of President Dover's statement.

"What's funny is that, you'd think not only the largest party in the US, but the largest party in the WORLD, would be able to show some nationalism, some kind of hope that America would pull through in this war."

To be nationalistic does not necessitate full devotion to the state without question. If that's what nationalism means now, I want no part of it.

"With maybe a third of the active members of the US being brainwashed by the political group once famously dubbed the zombies, it is no surprise that recent failed battles have occurred. No doubt, this is largely the doing of the USWP."

To imply that the USWP is behind the failings of the war is absurd. Perhaps there are more inactive members in the USWP than any other. If so, then they DON'T VOTE and they don't have any influence and they are merely a number on a page. They did not SABOTAGE the war because THEY WOULD NOT BE HERE. There may have been some conscientious objectors in the USWP, but I can GUARANTEE YOU that USWP members fought in the war, including myself.

"Many have been upset with the soldier turnout this war. America had extremely high expectations, which is probably why PEACE did 2x as much damage against the US than any other country. If the USWP was not secretly, in private forums, posting about plans to foil America's attempt at a war, then perhaps the 900 citizens of the USWP could have actually contributed."

Once again, any allegations of collusion are unsubstantiated and slanderous.

"To the patriots of this great country. To the citizens that respect what we are fighting for. To the soldiers who contributed immensely in this war effort, vote this article up. Political parties can do as they please, but the USWP has gone too far."

Maybe a line was crossed, I will concede that, but language such as in the quote that began this article is COMPLETELY unnecessary and offends me not only as a USWP member but as a soldier and an American.

The following is from the article by Shafer that can be found here:

"The United States Workers Party is working with PEACE against us."
Let's analyze this from the following excerpts Shafer pulled.

"I think this will draw a lot of support. You laid out the argument very clearly. Its time the USWP spoke out against this war, against the US becoming Indonesia, and repudiated Benn Dover.We spoke out when Australia was occupied by Indonesia, but we don't speak out when we do the occupying? That's the flaw that the Nationalist Party advocates. Blind Nationalism. Blind Imperialism. "Our country can do no wrong, because it is America, and it is perfect." They don't take into account that the French will be under the control of a government that doesn't speak its language.I'm not sure what to call this article. USWP National Address just doesn't capture the meaning."

I see no conspiracy here. Some language some might find offensive, but nothing that suggests treason.

"Being in Benn's cabinet as of today... I have to agree with the article. This war was for other reasons than stated in the beginning. I don't have proof, but I think that everyone here knows that. And as GoBucks pointed out, "This is definitely what being the largest party in the world is all about.""

I'm really not seeing it, yet.

"I love it! Benn has screwed us all over. Along with Shafer and the rest of those imperialist pricks, we have all be tricked into this war of imperialism. I know you have our best intentions Rocco. Godspeed to you and to all of us as we attempt to get this out into the public's eyes, ears, minds, hearts, and soul"

I don't like some of a language used here, but nothing treasonous. I see a brewing media campaign, but nothing that works to undermine the army.

"We all need to do everything we can to further this message. Its the coming out party for the largest political organization in the world.Write articles in support, spread the word, vote, and comment.I want the USWP controlling the media with this message for the next few days. Public support will end this war."

A media campaign, yes, but treason?

"Already sent to Roby and the French President. Seems like Hungarians are running with it. Maybe this thing goes international. Who knows.In a matter of 5 minutes the thing jumped from 38 to 56. I have no clue what happened."

This is the closest thing to collusion that I can see. All it is, upon CAREFUL READING, however, is stating that words have been exchanged about positions, and work made in conciliatory gestures, nothing treasonous. I would have advised against this, but it does not warrant charges of treason.

...I'm going to stop there because from that point onward there is only reaction to allegations of treason. I think that is where I take the most issue with the President's statements. THIS WAS NOT TREASON. I do not think that the USWP went about this in the correct or apropos fashion, and it was something that became somewhat disrespectful, but I would have expected the President of the United States to be the bigger man and give a reprimand, but not something slanderous.

All I have to say is this:
1) I cannot condone support of the President of the United States
2) I cannot condone slander from the Executive Office in the United States
3) I cannot condone slander from any political party, including my own, toward the POTUS
4) I cannot condone allegations of treason toward anyone in this country for speech
5) I can condone a civil discussion between all sides of the argument
6) I can condone a continuation of the war as long as we need to aid our allies
7) I can condone a civil discussion between Atlantis nations over the continuation of this war

Thank you for reading, and best wishes.
John Wycliffe