Return of the Spanish to the Americas?

Day 258, 16:47 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

Mexico City, Mexico- After the successful political take over in Mexico the world awaits the results of the presidential war proposal by Alfonso, the leader of the Spanish coup who is now president of Mexico. The goal of this takeover is to have Mexico declare war on Spain and then have Spain take over Mexico.

A little over ten days before the general elections Alfonso and a group of Spaniards moved to Mexico and created a new party, ARDE. The party’s only goal was to have Mexico annexed to Spain. After a successful general election Alfonso made good on his promise and soon declared war on Spain to begin the annexation. All went according to plan this morning when the proposal was 8-0 in favor of war but as the day went on Mexicans came to vote and since then the votes have gone 1-11 leaving the standings at 9-11 right now in opposition of the war. Now the president would be the tiebreaker so the opposition needs to stay one vote ahead in order to win. This is anyone’s game now.

Most of the support seems to be for the Mexican people who are for the most part against the annexation. There have been accusation of multis used by the ARDE but none of these accusations have been confirmed yet. Surprisingly many Spaniards are against the annexation as well and angered by the fact that their president went behind everyone’s back to do this and that congress will have no say in the matter. Many have already pledged not to fight against Mexico. Outside of these two countries other countries have begun to side with Mexico as well. Pakistan is contemplating sending troops to Mexico should war break out and nations of the PANAM alliance are prepared to step in as well to keep Spain out of the Americas.

A contract was recently brought to my attention by the former Mexican president Dhoo. In the contract there was a non aggression pact between Mexico and Spain. The pact was never canceled and therefore technically the war should not have happened. Unfortunately for Mexico it will not be enforced due to the fact neither president wants it to be enforced.

Although Americans may be worried about having Spain on their southern border a Spanish invasion is unlikely. Spain is well known for focusing on domestic issues rather then expanding even though they have long had one of the strongest militaries. The Spanish have also already shared a border with some east coast states for awhile so if they were going to invade they would have done it by now. Judging by the fact that they could not just invade Mexico and instead had to politically take it over its not likely the U.S. would be a target in the future. Still the PANAM alliance is worried about further advancement by Spain not to the north but to the south.

There were reports of an attempted take over in Venezuela by Spain that failed although it is hard for me to verify this as my Spanish is limited. This has gotten Brazil worried as well and their minister of foreign affairs has threatened that Brazil is ready to intervene along with several other countries in the Americas. With all of the international support coming to help Mexico it is likely that Mexico will stand a chance if they are invaded however odds are that they may lose a territory or two.

Geographically Mexico only borders Spain in only one region which also shares a border with Venezuela. I have proposed that PANAM cut off Mexico’s ability to declare war by having Venezuela take that one region but in order to do that we will have to get rid of all of Mexico’s MPPs and have a good deal of foreign support. Having Venezuela take the Southeast before Spain can get it is the only way to stop Alfonso from getting his wish of having Mexico and Spain annexed. Archibald is currently talking with the president of Venezuela and I hope to get in touch with other nations about this so that we can keep the annexation from going through.

Currently the proposal is being defeated in Mexican congress but this only delays the possibility of war. There is no penalty for having a proposal fail to pass congress and he also can also just make a proposal again tomorrow. To give this a Mexican twist Alfonso will have plenty of more swings at the piñata and one day the piñata will burst and he will get his goodies.