Responses to the responses to my previous article.

Day 879, 01:41 Published in Australia Australia by Benmaster

These two articles are addressed to my previous article

If you haven't read it, i suggest you do. lazy, don't read it then 🙁
Well I'll write a summary of this.

Summary ( you lazy farts)
In this article i expressed my views on the current military and economic situation. I addressed the need for a higher import tax. And how it ruins our economy.

Well, here it is.
In queviltai's article he addressed to me that i didn't address both sides of the argument (import taxes). So here i go.

Low Import taxes, the good and the bad.

1. Cheaper goods from foreign company's.
2. More stock in the market.
3. Cheaper tax's mean's our country will be more economically powerful.
4. Higher dollar value.

1. Local Business is destroyed as cheaper labor are in other countries and overflow the market.
2. Lower wages as a more and more foreign business undercuts our prices.
3. irreversible damage as Australia becomes more reliant on foreign products.

Also, i have created another comparison chart.

High import taxes Good/Bad

1. Local business is protected and can sell overseas.
2. Higher wages due to products being sold locally and internationally.
3. More treasury income from higher import taxes, thus allowing less VAT/income taxing.
4. Stable economy due to no foreign business undercutting our prices.

1. Less goods in market.
2. Less stronger dollar.
3. Deflation of the market and no money being gained.

Now, that my opinion has been addressed, i will get to the conclusion


I'm not suggesting that our import prices should be high enough to demote foreign business. I'm suggesting that we make a reasonable import tax something higher then 10% since we'll soon become an EUSA. So I'm willing to research for congress an agreeable tax based on the current amount of companies, sales...ETC

Yours truely...Benmaster

Express opinion on the comments section. KTHXBAI.