Respond to Indonesian Ultimatum

Day 720, 20:40 Published in Indonesia Malaysia by Vikta

Link: Indonesian ultimatum

(1) Currently your country have Mutual Protection Pacts with countries from EDEN alliances, but only two countries from PEACE alliances. This circumstances are not consistent with neutrality stance declared by FROSEA government. We ask FROSEA Government to end Mutual Protection Pact with Indonesian adversaries, and seek more neutral MPP.

We have a lot of MPPs with PEACE nations, including Iran, Austria, Japan, Venezuela, Bolivia, Uruguay and Colombia. That is more than 2.

(2) Contrary to the official neutral stance of FROSEA Government, the MPP with many countries from EDEN enable FROSEA citizen to fight for EDEN cause. This can be considered indirect support to EDEN alliance, the adversary of Indonesia. We demand FROSEA Government to end this indirect military support to her neighbor's enemies.

We order our civilians to fight in non crucial battles (for example, Finland instead of Croatia) so that we maintain our neutrality.

(3) Currently your country use the name "Federal Republic of South East Asia". This name offend many of our citizen, because Indonesia as one of the biggest country in South East Asia has been excluded from this Federation. This name also imply the aggressive intention to unify South East Asia under one rule. While Indonesian people may possibly willing to unite with their brother from Malaysia and Thailand, or other South East Asian countries under one government, to use that name prematurely before any negotiation has even start would incite dangerous speculation. We demand that FROSEA Government change its name to a less provocative one, or else Indonesia would invite herself into that union without negotiation.

FRoSEA ended a month ago, bro.