Resistance Wars and how they can screw you!

Day 989, 08:08 Published in USA Serbia by FirstLaw

Many that are running a business in Polish-occupied California just got shafted this morning.

The US and Poland apparently agreed to hostilities so that a resistance war can be started in California. Seems like a good idea, right?

Accept that those business owners in Polish occupied California who had inventory posted on the US Marketplace have now lost it!

I personally lost a fortune in this recent turn of events. I'm already disenfranchised with the US leadership and this doesn't help any. There was no warning about this so a lot of business owners were caught off guard and lost big time. Our government is all to eager to issue DoD orders telling us to fight in other people's wars. Why can't they post a warning to citizens in occupied territories when something might effect them? Player retention? What's that?

Once again, our leadership doesn't know what they're doing!