Resignation as Minister of Defence [Mozart Edition]

Day 823, 10:47 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Joachim von Bremen
Lacrimosa dies illa
Qua resurget ex favilla
Judicandus homo reus.
Huic ergo parce, Deus:

Lacrimosa of the Requiem - Mozart

It is, oddly, without a trace of sadness or regret that I must inform the UK of my resignation of my post, effective immediately.

Over the past 2 or so days, I have worked tirelessly on keeping the UK afloat. I have woken up at stupid times in the afternoon to help both us and our allies, and have spent literally several minutes toiling away on the minutiae of running claiming I’m MoD, when the people who should be doing it have not shown up.

I have served under one Prime Minister; with the main failing of being around far too often. I have ended up doing pretty much near everything that a PM should do with regards to, well, nigh on everything. As far as the job goes, I have had enough of just doing everything for everyone, without any thanks, any recognition. By and large, the post of Minister of Defence is a massively thankless job. The worst part was where Dish got hailed for taking West Midlands 4 or so days ago; he only attacked at the urging of myself and one or two others and we only won because of my BH medal.

As a result of this I have what I can only term as a massive case of eRepublik burnout; logging on to co-ordinate everything day after day no longer becomes fun, as it was for most of the first month, and instead becomes a massive chore.

The time issue played no small part in this decision. While I have no intentions to leave eRepublik at the current time, I do have other things to do; I’m a first year uni student AT A REAL UNIVERSITY studying A REAL DEGREE. Contrary to popular belief, I didn’t just make my degree up by pointing at random words in the dictionary.

Jamesw; the future is bleak. I am of the opinion that Jamesw will never, ever, be a power in this game. He doesn’t give a damm, and won’t no matter what. I was of the opinion that Jamesw needed to be invaded on home soil for anyone to care about him; but now I doubt even that would be enough to shock life into the corpse that is this congressman. I have tried my hardest, not for Jamesw, but for my own glory, to get things moving along. No matter what, activity levels constantly fall, he just stops doing anything, and then wonders why we can’t do anything in the world stage. Wake up.

What next for me? God knows. If any country wants me, feel free to go ahead and make an offer. I think my ego, at least in game, has inflated to the point where I can make this statement without sounding like an arrogant moron in my own head. So yeah, if you want a most awesome dude in your country, just ask. At the moment, I’m just chilling, working for a pittance in my own company. I’ll keep writing my articles and stuff, so subscribe now.

Dies iræ! dies illa
Solvet sæclum in favilla:
Teste David cum Sibylla!
Quantus tremor est futurus,
Quando iudex est venturus,
Cuncta stricte discussurus!

Mozart – Dies Irae

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