Res Gestae: Renewal in the Canadian Paradox Party

Day 784, 18:36 Published in Canada Canada by Gaius Julius Caesar00

Here we are again, the party president elections. Once again a term has passed and the Canadian Paradox Party is as strong as ever. Here we stand once again with five seats in Congress and six members of Cabinet, including three members in two of the most important ministries, defense and foreign affairs. One of our members holds the coveted post of Speaker of Congress and was accepted unanimously for a second term. We have re-launched the Paradoxian Guard and our party corporations are stronger than they have ever been. We, the Canadian Paradox Party, have arguably reached our apex.

However, I am not resting on my laurels and expecting re-election based upon our achievements over the past two months. Instead, I am proposing an ambitious program to breathe even more life into the party.




-By the 25th of January, we will have a new party platform written and approved by our membership.

It is remarkable that we are the only party in eCanada without a platform. Initially when I took office in November, I began a convention to determine the future direction of the party. Although it was successful to some extent, it was insufficient to the task of developing a cohesive platform. With that in mind, I will be taking another approach. Over the next week after re-election, I will be writing a platform for the party, taking into account its history and the future direction of the party. Once complete, it will be presented to the party for approval.

This method will ensure an expedient development of the party platform.

-On the 25th of January, we shall elect at least six members of Congress.

As I have said in the past, numbers are not everything and I would much rather have an excellent Congressman from another party than a mediocre Congressman from the Canadian Paradox Party. Nevertheless, a modest increase in our share would reflect well on our party and be consistent with the quality of members we have to propose for Congress.

In November, our Strategic Voting Unit (SVU) was arguably the most efficient in eCanada, helping to propel the CPP from two seats in Congress to five seats. In December, our SVU was effectively suspended due to the Christmas holiday. In January, it will once again be revived to the fullest extent of our capability and with more active members in the CPP our results could be even greater than before.

-Recruitment goal for January: 200-250 members

This has been my goal since taking office. This will be achieved before I leave this office. It is my goal for January to find an effective recruitment officer for the Canadian Paradox Party who will help us reach this goal. Will you be the one?


Please, make sure to vote on January 15th. Exercise your democratic rights!