Res Belgica PP elections: Respect for the past makes a bright future

Day 2,123, 01:11 Published in Belgium Belgium by Helviro

Hi dear Res Belgica members,

Today I'm officially announcing my candidacy as Res Belgica Party President.

Long time ago I was a Res Belgica PP, but those times are not what they are now. And you might wonder what an old fox tries to accomplish by running for PP again.
The reason states in the article.
I consider Res Belgica, it's members and it's goals to be essential for eBelgium.
Even in the starting days of eBelgium, while being a very small party, it attracted people who wanted eBelgium to grow.
This happened under the great leadership of Aldous Zamiatin.
I might say he thaught me most of what I know in erep, and how the social aspect of a party should be run. Over the years, being PP and CM, I refined this knowledge.
Recently our party went to some necessary reforms under the contagious enthousiasm of El1teBe. These reforms has made Res Belgica fit to encouter future challenges.
As said before, Respect for the past makes a bright future

What will I do as PP?

Res Belgica Counsil

First of all a new Res Belgica Counsil needs to be formed. IF I'm elected, I will search for a mix of experience and young enthousiasm. There will surely be place for my opponent and friend boer jan. Anyone who takes the risk of running in an election should be praised for that.
The main goal of the RBC will be to set out general guidelines on how the party is run, and off course, making up the CM election list, which i feel is one of the greatest improvements internally.


The Mass PM system is by far the easiest way to communicate with our members. Altough i encourage members to register and be active on the forum, You are still free to only use the erep website. I will communicate with every legit RB member equally.

Social Conscious

Res Belgica has a history of Social programs in which younger players are supported to grow as a eCitizen. I guarantee that this program will continue with the support of the elder RB members.

eRepublik is still about fun. I will add a fun officer to the counsil to create a party game, and thus increase the fun we should have playing this game

Political involvement

We have a huge amount of experience and leadership in our members. We have the duty to use this in the better of eBelgium. Involvement is key to our party.
Therefor a fraction leader will be appointed out of all the elected CM to make sure every CM is getting the needed information, to vote according to what is right for eBelgium and our party.

This is why I hope to serve You as Res Belgica Party President for the next term.

Counting on your support!