Reports From The Practice Field

Day 1,274, 20:26 Published in USA USA by Heather Fuchs
Time for more MI War Games!!!

That's right, in addition to being the baddest bunch of bug-killing, pie-eating patriots this side of the Delta Quadrant, the eUS Mobile Infantry isn't content to sit around waiting for war to come to us. We bring the war to ourselves!!!

Just another day at the office

We take you now to our embedded journalist Spamgobbler (who wasn't allowed to participate in this round as he is without company designation), in the middle of a fierce firefight between Alpha and Bravo companies:

npaidi peeks around the corner, then signals his squadmates to run for the supply tent. As they dash across the killing ground, he provides bursts of cover fire while they duck into the tent. Seconds pass, and the squad re-emerges both nourished and armed with pie.

A quartet of Bravos spots the Alpha squad and ducks under a hail of thrown cream pies. Several members are "wounded," out for the moment but covered in tasty deliciousness.


n4n0 nabs a fresh-from-the-oven blueberry pie mortar and hurls it into the skies, raining down hot blueberry on Alphas and Bravos alike. He is quickly dispatched by an ECHO order from Alpha Company CO Skylancer which summons a triad of Alpha privates from the shadows to flatten n4n0.

In the back corner of the practice field, Bravo CO ChristopherEller gather his lieutenants for a quick strategy session. "Darkskye and mom, take your squads to the ovens for resupply. Pickleswami and Demiurge, you circle around to the back and provide flanking support. Use these cobbler grenades. darthramen and Slobberknocker, you guys are on trap-springing duty - head straight up the middle towards the Alpha flag hill and make a ton of noise."

As the Bravos deploy, Slobberknocker and his 'toon spring an Alpha ambush. Led by kfitzy, the Alphas make short work of the Bravo decoys only to fall seconds later to a barrage of pies from Demiurge's flanking maneuver. Afer a tough firefight, Bravo comes away with 6 flags - what a great adventure! Both sides regroup and re-deploy, and Alpha knows they'll regain ground once they release their secret weapon - NecromanMMO!

He uses one of these - WATCH OUT!

In the command tower, General tsewell and XO AutumnsDawn take notes, matching field positions and squads to the tactics seen on the field. They are impressed with today's performance, but note several areas where pies could have been more effectively used. Also, they manage to snag a few high-shot pies for their own consumption. Delicious!

That's all from today's MI War Games. Tune in tomorrow when the big guns come out...

Want more fun than a barrel of monkeys armed with pies?

Click on the link to join us!

If you are at least 5 days old, your strength is at least 500 and your battlefield rank is Lieutenant or higher (or you can do at least 85 influence per fight barehanded) and you like pie as much as we do, you too could be a member of the Mobile Infantry!!!

If not, then you could also get your fight on in the Training Corps!

Also, see this list of important papers you should be reading:

Respectfully embedded submitted,
Major Spamgobbler
Press Officer
eUS Mobile Infantry