Reports from a distant mind (cheers!)

Day 1,160, 11:15 Published in Ireland Ireland by e-kane

The time has come for us to part. The reasons are legio, and there are positive as well as critical ones.

During my short time in the game the population shrunk from ca 900 to 400. The repeated theft of government founds, as well as ICA resources certainly contributed to this.

However, I think the most irritating factor probably was the “road rage syndrome” that seems to have taken root as a cultural aspect of life in eIreland.

There are no great mysteries to me why there are so few new people interested in politics. We scare them away. Also, many that I have spoken with has complained about the lack of transparency where they have no idea on what is going on since they are not in the “Cool active circle”.

It is tragic in many ways since I am sure the active elite does not intend to scare away people. They really tries as best as they can, but as we can see the country is doing as well in the virtual world as in the RL.

I wanted IUP to be a safe harbor for people that was not interested in being key board warriors, and perhaps are interested in a diverse society where there is room for being different, for sharing poetry (even our greatest trolls from eUK has said that was a great thing with ireland, but leading active players have asked people shove the poetry where they cannot see it)

IUP has become such a harbor. Also, it has become a party where the leadership is spread between leading members, and thus not focused on a single PP position. In IUP the time of the officers has now come. I will log in one last time to vote for an IUP candidate.

I have decided to emerge my self in online communities related to something I am RL very interested in, micro brewing (or home brewing) and distilling.

I hope you guys that will stay can sort out the bad aspects of the current culture, and I also hope you will see IUP for the ting it is: an alternative party that thrives with creativity and diversity. A party that actively tries to work against the road rage syndrome that, in my humble view, plagues eIreland and drives new players away.

See you on the election day

Until then, CHEERS!
