Report on Poland

Day 1,870, 08:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Seranok

When I became the ambassador from the eUK to Poland, Frerk (the MoFA at that time) said that Poland was inaccessible to most. From that point on, any information I was going to get was not going to be easy to obtain. What information I found it I have written below.


Poland are currently engaging conflicts with Ukraine. To obtain Polish citizenship, you are asked what your eNationality is as well as your real life nationality. As well as this, I was asked by the MoFA several times on the Polish channel my citizenship. It did take me a while to convince him that I was British. However, it is even harder to talk to anyone on the Polish channel as everyone is very cautious about someones nationality before talking to someone. I found it incredibly difficult to find any information on war - let's just say if anyone plans on 'spying' on Poland it won't be easy.


Polish are a prosperous nation due to their recent success on the battlefeild. Poland have every resource available with no shortages on fish whatsoever. In the treasury, Poland 80745 'zloty' available to be used as well as 0.67 gold. However in recent months, Germany has started to resist against Polish control owing to little money.


Congress (members):

Narodowa Demokracja: 12 members (30😵
Polska Partia Patriotyvzna: 8 members (20😵
Partia Imperialna: 7 members (17😵
Polska Partia Cywilna: 7 members (17😵
Partia Wolnych Ludzi: 6 members (15😵

ePoland is mainly centre-right wing with a few capitalist parties. The current CP is part of a centre-right party (Polska Partia Cywilna) which is ranking 5th in the nation with 374 members.

Military units

The 'Polish Civil Army' is the army for all new members. They currently have 2000 members and the highest amount of opponents defeated (27593).

Final notes

As I mentioned at the beginning, Poland is a huge nation that is inaccessible to most people so the information I collected is not nearly as much as I would have liked to get. By the way, Poland are still as friendly as last month! Hooray! 😃